Thursday, October 23, 2008

More election research

Ashtabula County

Election research is a service of the Judicial Candidates Rating Coalition (JCRC), an umbrella organization that includes Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, The Cuyahoga Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, The Norman S. Minor Bar Association, and The Ohio Women's Bar Association.

Members of the organizations that make up JCRC are a diverse group of men and women, including lawyers and non-lawyers. Some practice solo or in a small group; others work for large firms, local companies or government. Some of us represent only individuals. Others usually work with businesses. We and our clients have many different perspectives and views, but there is one thing on which we agree - we want highly qualified, fair and respectful judges on our courts.

To bring you ratings of the candidates for judicial office, about 50 to 60 of us set aside several days each year to review the candidates’ qualifications, interview the candidates, and share experiences representing clients before judges who are running for the same or a new position. Each organization separately chooses a rating that expresses, in one word, its evaluation of each candidate’s professional competence, integrity, work ethic and temperament.

On the November 2008 ballot, Cuyahoga County voters will vote for judges for five different courts: the Court of Common Pleas General Division, the Domestic Relations Court, the Probate Court, the Court of Appeals and the Ohio Supreme Court. Before you vote, review our ratings and the information about each candidate available by link to his or her name on the candidate grid.

The election of judges and the decisions they make can have profound consequences for us, our families, our businesses and our community. Learn more here, and choose well.

We rate the judicial you can judge for yourself.