Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Excellent Breast-Feeding and Attachment Parenting Site

Whether or not you want to breast feed your baby is one of many questions you'll face while pregnant. And although breast-feeding is natural, for most of us natural does not equal easy. I took two breastfeeding classes before I had my daughter and it still seemed like all the information ran straight out of my brain like a sieve. In the early months, I was often in tears because my daughter did not nurse like a "normal" baby.

After the baby girl was born, I relied on my lactation consultant as well as and the La Leche League site. Both sites are chock full of great information on Breastfeeding issues, but both can be a bit unwieldy and cumbersome to navigate.
Well thanks to one of my Mommy Message Boards, I've foud a fantastic site that is clearly organized and uses a rational, common sense tone. Kelly's Attachment Parenting is a great site for breastfeeding. The section on what is safe during breastfeeding is invaluable. And the pages regarding weight gain of breastfed babies are reassuring.

The site is also great for people curious about attachment parenting. Her opening statement mirrors my own experience: "After a few months of following our instincts and pretty much just "winging it" after Jordan was born, we discovered that our parenting style had a name... attachment parenting." For me, attachment parenting means that you respect your child as a person and don't try to dominate them--that doesn't mean you don't discipline, it just means that not everything in your relationship with your baby is a power struggle.

I love that she has a book review section and even lists books to avoid (marked with a skunk)! I completely agree with her poor review of the "What to Expect" Series: I bought the pregnancy one and despised it. I wish I had found this site sooner. If you have breastfeeding or attachment parenting questions, let you finger fly to Kelly's Attachment Parenting .

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