Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Remembering your marriage in the midst of all things baby

Kelly's AP site recently posted several articles by Elizabeth Brantley. I was particularly intrigued by How to Have a Happy Marriage When You're Busy Being Parents.

One of the most difficult things about being a parent is balancing my work life, my parenting life, my spousal life and maintain some individual time as well. Unfortunately, when you have this new very dependent little person clinging to you (sometimes literally), it's way too easy to let my spouse come last--probably because he's so pooped from chasing the little dynamo all day that he is (a) too exhausted to complain much, and (b) so grateful when I let him take some alone time.

This article was a gentle reminder that I need to keep working on the marriage thing even while I'm focused on the parenting thing. I know that I am terrible about complimenting hubby. He does a great job with our daughter and our home. We'll never make Better Homes and Gardens, but he is one of two reasons I am so happy to rush home each night.

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